Not without, "Duty, Honor, Country", which the current West Point Superintendent has removed from the mission statement of the USMA. We continue to weaken our selves, and our resolve with the soft, limp, hand of DEI, until no one fears, or respects us.
The US military accomplished its mission in Viet Nam,which per SEATO requirements was to force the North Viet Nam military out of the Republic of South Viet Nam, which happened in 1973. In 1975, a pathetically traitorous Congress voted to cease ALL logistical aid to the South, which enabled the defeated North to re-occupy RVN.
Can our present Army win a war?
Not without, "Duty, Honor, Country", which the current West Point Superintendent has removed from the mission statement of the USMA. We continue to weaken our selves, and our resolve with the soft, limp, hand of DEI, until no one fears, or respects us.
We need to Wake Up, not Woke Down!
You clowns haven't won a war in 80 years....I want my money back you quad-jabbed, Alphabet-People-Corps...
The US military accomplished its mission in Viet Nam,which per SEATO requirements was to force the North Viet Nam military out of the Republic of South Viet Nam, which happened in 1973. In 1975, a pathetically traitorous Congress voted to cease ALL logistical aid to the South, which enabled the defeated North to re-occupy RVN.