Will this be our Last Celebration of Independence Day?
This year we need to remember why this nation came to be in the first place, before we lose it all.
America needs you now, before it's too late. Now is the time to remember how we became a nation. This 4th of July let us reflect on how important that day was and the courage it took to send that Declaration of Independence to the King. It cost many everything, including their lives. This year we need to sacrifice too, to keep the freedom that was so bitterly fought for.
Let's reflect on what this day means
Have you ever read the Declaration of Independence? You should, it is full of remarks about freedom and tyranny. In just a few words it lays out why government is the problem, not the cure. The Declaration was written by a Committee of Five, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. The Declaration begins with a preamble, stating that all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Unalienable rights. What does that mean? It means rights that come from a higher power, not from government. That phrase alone sets progressives (communist/socialist) into a tizzy. To the left there is no greater power than government. A freeman; however, gets his unalienable rights from God. You can see why the first attack on our freedom was the attack on religion.
The first attack on our Constitution
It started in 1962 with a simple Supreme Court decision. Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), which was the court case issued by the United States Supreme Court from the ultra liberal Warren Court. The ruling found that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools. They stated that it was a violation of the First and 14th Amendments.
That ruling led to many others which caused the breakdown of the family through the undermining of religion. The simple ruling began an avalanche of suits and rulings based on something not found in the Constitution, which is that there must be a separation of church and state.
Read the first amendment and that part dealing with religion simply states that the government cannot form its own religion. It stops government, not the free worship of religion. Yet, during Covid, those progressive governments in blue states shut down churches and synagogues, while keeping Marijuana stores open. It says everything one needs to know about their belief systems.
The tyranny demonstrated during Covid is the antithesis of our Constitution. Which we celebrate on July 4. That was the day that American patriots signed a letter to the King of England telling him the reasons that our nation must separate. Yet, in 2020, we faced a Constitutional crisis the likes of which has not been seen since our Civil War. That crisis was the blatant disregard for the Constitution under the guise of a Covid pandemic.
What tyranny looks like
Many saw, for the first time, what tyranny looks like. From closed houses of worship to mandatory closing of businesses that big government did not want open. Government controlled everything from the food we ate, to the toilet paper we used. They mandated that each and every citizen take an experimental mRNA shot; that ultimately did not work. Worse, it caused millions of deaths, which they passed off as Covid deaths.
The government also controlled what we were able to say, read, hear, and see. Anything they opposed was labeled dis, or misinformation. Even though most of that dis/misinformation was true. The only good thing to come out of the Covid period was that we finally had a look at what unchecked government looks like. And it isn't pretty.
The Covid tyranny was a wakeup call of what our own government can and will do if not checked by our constitutional constraints. It is why our Constitution is so important. Unfortunately, there was only one way to obtain our freedom from England, we needed to fight for it. We fought British troops. Alongside them were Americans who loved big government. We had to fight them, too. And we have to do it again.
It has now been 248 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed, and our new foe is our own government, led by socialist/Marxists calling themselves the Democrat party. And once again it is up to patriotic Americans to stop the tyranny. This time we may not need to load our muskets, rather we can beat them at the polls in November. A Trump victory is a Victory for America and our Constitution.
But we need more than Donald Trump. He needs a House and Senate that will allow him to drain the swamp, and put the fear of God into those anti-American zealots on the left who wish to destroy our Constitution, and America with it.
America needs you
And again it will take true red blooded American patriots to win that battle. While we may not face musket and cannon fire as our forefathers did, we will still need to make personal sacrifices to insure victory.
An army of volunteers is needed to be poll watchers, a navy of patriots will have to navigate neighborhoods to insure that every true American votes on election day, and an air force will have to insure that democrats do not fill ballot boxes full of dead peoples votes. Maybe even a space force to insure that voting machines register votes for the person who was supposed to receive those votes. And if that doesn't work, we'll call in the Marines, who will mount the stifling legal defense necessary to insure a fair and just election, without the taint of fraud.
Yes, America needs you. And election day is around the corner, so we must act now, before our freedom is stolen from under us. Donald Trump cannot do this by himself, it will take every patriot pulling together to reclaim the America we had only four years ago.
We can do this together...and we will.
Spoken like a true cultist cuck