Once an optimist, the results of the Trump verdict has soured this writer on the believe that the United States is redeemable as a unified nation. The signs were everywhere, such as a Quinnipiac University poll in March of 2022 that found that only 55% of Americans would stand and fight for America if it were attacked as was Ukraine. Still there was that optimistic hope that something would stir inside Americans and that quintessential goodness of our nation would prevail.
That naive desire to make everything great again in this country was shattered with the reading of the verdict in the Trump trial in New York City. An obviously political trial against a man whose only crime is running against the sitting president shattered that belief. Not only for this reporter, but also to many others across this nation.
It has taken several days to reconcile this miscarriage of justice, and understand the consequences of the verdict; nonetheless we must now face our future in an entirely new America. Our nation is No Longer the United States of America, because we are not united in thought or principles. That basic tenet must now be accepted as fact. There is no going back to the glory days.
The consequences of not being united are vast. The world is on the verge of World War and only a strong, united America could have avoided one. However, we are not united, nor are we strong. The world is in flux and changes are about to happen. Most of those changes are not welcome, but since America is no longer united, there is no other nation able to affect what will follow. Only a strong America could have made a difference.
The world today
China wants to replace the United States as the world's leader. They are working very hard to do just that, from improving their military abilities to wooing nations around the world with financial advantages by teaming with them. Those nations, like Taiwan and the Philippines, that they cannot woo, they intimidate and threaten with war. While their economy is faltering now, it is still strong enough to threaten America's leadership; especially as fractured as a nation that we are now.
Europe is a mess, with mass Islamic migrants invading many countries and destabilizing any European customs that made Europe a world powerhouse for three millennia. The influx of Africans and Islamist into Europe has displaced the middle-class and those changes have brought extremely high crime as well as areas of cities, like Paris and London, where non-islamist are not allowed. Even the police fear to enter these zones. The new immigrants do not accept European standards of morality, rather they import their customs and laws with them. This internal corruption has destabilized Europe; as has its rejection of Christianity.
Russia is now subordinate to China, doing its dirty work for the scraps China will give them. The once superpower, while the last to uphold Christian standards of morality, has relegated to a weak military power incapable of crushing its opponents as it once was. Russia will fall into line with China as it makes its move to supplant the United States as the world's leader.
Worst of all, there is a cabal of evil billionaires who want to control all the world's finances. This organization wants to depopulate the world, allowing only three out of five people alive today to continue to live. They don't see the need for so many mouths to feed. Those that remain they offer the opportunity to be their servants, while owning nothing, eating bugs for their meals, and be happy just to be alive. This isn't a fiction, simply statements made by some of their leaders, like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros.
Where do we go from here?
It is all rather medieval, yet the world did survive the middle ages, and will again. So worrying about the rest of the world is not our problem. What we, as Americans, must worry about is what happens next. And a United States of America is not in the cards.
Even if President Trump does win reelection this nation is so fractured that there is no way that Donald Trump, or any other human being, could right this nation again. We are too far gone, divided into true Americans and those who want to destroy America. And the latter has won. Yes, the Trump verdict proves that.
It is time to separate into individual nations. It is time to find God again.
Those blue states will never return to what made us a nation in the first place. What made us a nation was our belief in Christ. He was the foundation that bound us together. While we were different religions, we all believed in Christianity with its singular belief in the goodness of mankind and its duty to help each other. We believed that the foundation of family, God and country was a winning combination. And it was. It made us the greatest nation on earth and the envy of every other.
As we have moved away from those fundamental principles this nation has faltered in its direction. Until today our children cannot read, write, know our history, add or subtract, or even tell the difference between boys and girls.
The time has come to change directions and renew our faith in those things that made us the greatest nation on earth. So now is the time to go our own way and form a coalition of states that believe in those fundamental principles. Just saying these words saddens this writer; however I see no other way. The time has come to stand up for God and to form our own country founded on His goodness.
It is time to divide into the Free States of America, and the socialist blue states. The election in November will not cure what ails us. Neither will Donald Trump. This nation's malady is too deep and too profound for one human being to right all the wrongs.
By all means vote in November to replace the babbling idiot now in office and replace Congress with one more attuned to the needs of its citizens. However, don't believe that your vote will change anyone's mind. It may keep us out of a world war, but it will not stop those America haters from trying to destroy America.
Only a new nation, founded on God's word can.
I can sympathise with your frustration, but the nature of the rot in this country is more complicated than simply separating into free states and totalitarian states. Even in red states there are major cities that are deep blue. Regardless, I think we can agree it's going to be a mess.
Quite an interesting post. I live in one of those shitty blue states outside a shitty blue city. As much as I may wish to try and find some hopium for your article, I cannot. Voting won't fix what ails us. Purging the government, academia, media, military, etc of the dysgenic elements would require something for which I have no desire to engage. Divorce may be the best solution but how does one determine the boundaries? Most "blue" states are only Blue with certain zones. Look at Oregon or New York for examples.
Trump is really a symptom of what most Americans want. Stable, sane government with an eye towards providing good jobs. A reliable power grid. The problem is the other people will cheat to maintain power. History has shown that once the ballot box fails, things get sporty.